We are in the midst of a dating apocalypse. There are many ways to get hurt dating by others who give us undesirable responses to our amorous approaches.
You should be aware of these trends and how they affect our dating culture. If any of these unwanted situations happen to you, at least you’ll know what is going on. Here are five dating terms that describe how we might be rejected or ignored by our Sydney escorts:
Ghosting happens when someone stops responding to you without explanation. This can happen via text, phone or email. It’s a way for a person to end a relationship without having to deal with the awkwardness of breaking up.
Ghosting is also known as breadcrumbing. It’s like when you send flirty messages back and forth with this person, but then they stop texting you altogether. Being ghosted that way leaves you wondering if they ever cared at all.
Haunting can be confusing and annoying to someone who’s ghosted. For example, if you don’t respond to a text after three days, then they text you again. You may wonder if this person is trying to play with you.
Sometimes, people who have been ghosted are genuinely interested but need reassurance that the person receiving their texts is interested in communicating with them again. This can be frustrating because it puts enormous pressure on both parties involved. The person haunting usually feels uncomfortable because the silence was already interpreted as rejection.

Benching is a form of ghosting that happens when someone you are dating is not interested in you but doesn’t want to be straightforward about it. Instead, they wait for your text messages to go unanswered and your calls to ring through to voicemail. Then when you finally do contact them and ask what’s going on, they reply that they are busy.
Benching can be exceedingly hurtful because the person being benched has no idea why. Suppose you see that this is happening in your relationship. In that case, you should end things as quickly as possible to stop wasting time.
Cushioning is a dating trend that involves being in multiple relationships at once. It’s a way to hedge your bets and not be too emotionally invested in any one person. Still, it can also serve as an escape hatch if you are unhappy or uncomfortable with one of your significant others.
Cushioning differs from polyamory, which is the practice of having multiple romantic partners because it’s more about the emotional connection than the sex part. Cushioners often don’t have sex with each other, but they see each other regularly and spend time together. They may even talk about their feelings for each other, but things never get too serious.
Zombieing is when someone you’re dating disappears without a trace. It’s like ghosting, but more intense. You may get a text or email from them out of the blue, but they will not respond to your messages or any attempts at communication, no matter how many times you try to reach out.
In Conclusion
These five dating trends do happen, and you should call a spade a spade when you see it.